Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, has been shown to significantly increase the l chances of sustaining a successful quit attempt. NRT gives you nicotine to help manage cravings without the harmful chemicals in smokes or many unregulated vapes. By taking away some of the physical withdrawal symptoms caused by nicotine dependence, you can focus on the behavioural aspects of quitting and creating new healthy habits.
At Which Way? we use the Nicorette NRT products, however, there are many different brands which are equally effective. NRT include long-acting products (patches), and short-acting products (gum, sprays, lozenges, and mints). NRT works best when you use patches (long acting) for a slow release of nicotine in combination with a short-acting product for a quick relief during a craving. This is called combination NRT (or c-NRT). Check out more information about the different types of NRT, and how to use them, below!